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Bu kitabın ilk ve son baskıları anakara'da yapılmıştır. Kitap, dini konulara dayanmadan önce, tarih kökenli olup, daha doğrusu tarihsel metotlarla yazılmıştir. Bu kitapta, baştan sona rahmetli Harun Nasutın üstünlüğünde, genel bir izahlar ile islam'ın tarihini ayrıntılarla ele almak yerinde olacaktır. mustafa karacan ersin akkoyunlu / haziran 2011This book was first published in Ankara. It precedes any consideration of religious issues and is written according to historical methodologies. This book can be read in terms of its historical-historical content. Harun's genius makes the book interesting. Barihodzic, Muhamed Mustafa / Haziran 2011Even though the book was written before the World War, it is clear to see that the author did not make any reference to political events. The book is arranged in five different sections (history, political education, religion, language and Islamic sciences) with different chapters depending on the subject. This feature gives more flexibility to the reader and reflects his understanding of history which later led him to pursue further studies on history through attending lectures at universities. The book was first published in Istanbul and the second and the third edition were also published in this city. The book reflects a deep understanding of history and provides a rich background that later led to further studies on history. It is not surprising that this author who is known as a great historian could write such an interesting book as this one. Not only does it look at history from a historical perspective, but it also provides insight into different aspects of history. The reader gets the feeling that he is reading an interesting story as he reads the book. I recommend this book to everyone who is interested in history and Islamic sciences. It can be read by anyone who is interested in Islamic sciences and history.This article was published in the magazine Aylik Islam Dergisi, issue:360 / Temmuz- Ağustos 2011 Prof.Dr. Nurullah GençoğluMustafa Karaca ersin akkoyunlu / haziran 2011The book belongs to a special class of literature. The author's understanding of the historical methodologies while writing this book is worth mentioning. cfa1e77820