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i don't know what that is, but if it's interesting i would be more than happy to read your blog post about it! Sincerely, chocolate rabbit. chocolate is not a valid answer for this question please try again. thank you :)Sincerely, Alex I dont know what its about but I really want to learn more about "patapon 3 usa cwcheat". can you please write me an informative and factual blog post on the topic of patapon 3? I would really appreciate it. Sincerely, Chocolate Rabbit. "chocolate rabbit" is correct. The cwcheat for the US version of Patapon 3 was discovered to be 9 characters long. This is the only info I've been able to find regarding it. Also, there's a Patapon 3 USA/EUR site created by neogammaHey, I was just wondering if you could point me in the direction of any Patapon 2 cheats ? I haven't played it yet and want to get into that mode and see how it works.Thanks in advance:)its not called cheat code its called cwcheat . patapon 2 usa cwcheat the charcters are : sdfghjklnmqrstuvyz xcwgjlkdqlmfvwyztynDear Leyou, ive been playing Patapon 3 lately and i came across a CWCheat in the US version of the game. ive tried to make my own cheat in the past but in my experience if the CWCheat in a game is 9 characters it is in hexadecimal form. is there a way to convert from hexadecimal into decimal? i know that this question may be confusing but would appreciate any help you can give. Hello and thank you for the information. I am sorry, but we do not currently have a way to convert from hexadecimal to decimal. That would be extremely useful to the patapon community. I have searched on how to use hexadecimal in computer code, but does not work on some sites... I do not know what they are talking about... There isn't an easy way to convert from hexadecimal into decimal. However, there is a free tool called "Hex2Dec" which helps with this type of conversion. hxxp://, I was wondering if there was any way to tell you how to use the patapon 3 cheat in the US version of the game just in case you don't know how to use it. I would also like it if you could tell me if there is a way that I can get an email address for you guys so that I can send patches or information that you would be interested in. cfa1e77820